Who We Serve

Empowering ISVs to Thrive with Microsoft Partnerships

Our focus is on supporting ISV’s seeking to maximize their impact through strategic Microsoft partnerships.
Desired Outcomes

Achieve Co-sell Results
Carve Partners

At Carve Partners, we support ISVs and cloud providers who are driven to achieve significant outcomes within the Microsoft ecosystem.
1.  Increase Co-Sell Revenue
2.  Enhance Market Visibility
3.  Optimize Partner Center Operations

Our ISV Partner Criteria

Committed to leveraging Microsoft technologies for business growth.

Eager to collaborate with a dedicated team focused on their success.

Ready to enhance their market presence through effective Co-sell strategies.

How we can help

Our services to support your Microsoft partnership journey

Microsoft Co-Sell Journey Stages
One Time Purchase
  • Build your foundations
  • Activate your partnership benefits
  • Grow your knowledge
  • Train your team
  • Drive the right activities
  • Tack-on to what you’re doing
  • Coaching & strategy
  • PDM-type resource
Managed Services
  • Reduce the operational burden
  • Outsource your co-sell activities
  • Build upon or replace your Alliance team
  • Scale your efforts

See the Carve Advantage for Yourself