Why Carve

Unlock Your Microsoft Partnership
Potential with Carve Partners

We’re masters of our craft. We don’t just know the programs at a surface level, we have a deep expertise based on years of experience with co-sell and relationships built directly with Microsoft.
Proven Success

Our Microsoft Co-sell track record speaks for itself

We possess deep expertise in navigating and optimizing Microsoft Co-sell partnerships. Our team has an intimate understanding of the Microsoft ecosystem, allowing us to offer unparalleled strategic guidance and support. We help you unlock the full potential of your partnerships with Microsoft, ensuring you achieve maximum growth and efficiency.
QoQ Co-sell growth for one of our Carve Managed Clients.
$1 Billion
annual partner revenue supported in our portfolio in FY23.
of FY23 Marketplace Co-sell was represented by our portfolio.

Our Co-sell Competitive Edge 


Tailored Solutions

Industry-Leading Expertise

Commitment to Success

Data-Driven Insights

How we can help

Our services to support your Microsoft partnership journey

One Time Purchase
  • Build your foundations
  • Activate your partnership benefits
  • Grow your knowledge
  • Train your team
  • Drive the right activities
  • Tack-on to what you’re doing
  • Coaching & strategy
  • PDM-type resource
Managed Services
  • Reduce the operational burden
  • Outsource your co-sell activities
  • Build upon or replace your Alliance team
  • Scale your efforts

Ready to drive revenue through the clouds?