Upload Co-sell Collateral & Get Co-sell Ready
Manage & Edit Referral Details in Partner Center
Milestone 2
Publish your Solution & Get Co-sell Ready
Achieving Milestone 2 involves getting your solution ready for the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace. This step ensures your solution is set up correctly, allowing you to leverage Microsoft’s platform to reach a wider audience and optimize your co-sell opportunities. This milestone includes setting up your Publisher ID, configuring user permissions for your developer account, creating and publishing a new offer, and uploading essential co-sell collateral.
Milestone 2 Checklist
☐ Enroll in Commercial Marketplace
☐ Set up your Publisher ID
☐ Set up your User Permissions for Developer Account
☐ Create & Publish a New Offer
☐ Upload Co-sell Collateral to get Co-sell Ready
Commercial Marketplace Enrollment
In Account Settings > Programs, find the Commercial Marketplace program and select Enroll. If you see the Marketplace Offers workspace in your home page, this means you are successfully enrolled.
User Permissions for Developer Account
Setting up user permissions for your developer account in Partner Center is essential to manage and publish your solutions effectively.
Publisher ID & User Roles
In Account Settings > Identifiers, create a publisher ID. Users who need to create and edit offers must have the Manager and Developer Publishers permissions set up.
Create and Publish a New Offer
In the Marketplace Offers workspace, select +New offer to initiate the process of creating an offer. Fill in required fields on each sub-page. At any point, you can save your listing as a draft to return later.
When you are ready, submit offer for review. It will go through an automated certification review (few days) and you will get notified whether it passed or needs changes. Once it’s complete, you must return and hit “Go Live” to publish the offer live on the marketplace.
Upload Co-sell Collateral
Co-sell status is managed in the Referrals workspace by the Co-sell Referrals Admin role. Once the solution is published, you can attach your co-sell collateral and submit for review. Check back on the status for any items that require your attention.
Successfully completing Milestone 2 is pivotal in preparing your solution for visibility and engagement in the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace. By setting up your Publisher ID, configuring user permissions, creating and publishing your offer, and uploading co-sell collateral, you’ll position your solution for effective marketplace performance and enhanced co-sell opportunities.
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