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Add a Referral Manually in Partner Center
Learn the Referrals Workspace UI
Understanding the Referrals Workspace UI is essential for effectively managing and optimizing your co-sell referrals. This workspace allows you to track and interact with referrals from both Microsoft and your partners, streamline your referral management process, and prioritize key opportunities. By familiarizing yourself with the Referrals Workspace UI, you can enhance your co-selling strategy and improve overall efficiency.
Navigate to Referrals > Co-sell opportunities to manage co-sell referrals.
Referrals are organized into 3 categories:
- Inbound = referrals shared to the Partner from Microsoft
- Outbound = referrals shared by the Partner to Microsoft
- Favorites = view all referrals marked as ‘favorite’ (see #4)
Referrals appear in list view. Click the Deal Name to see more details and edit.
Click the Star icon to save a referral into your Favorites view.
Apply filters or use the search bar to apply desired criteria to the view.
New referrals are created one by one with the +New Deal button or created/managed in bulk with the Upload & Download functionality.
Mastering the Referrals Workspace UI enables you to efficiently manage co-sell referrals and streamline your workflow. By leveraging the categorization, search features, and bulk management options, you can ensure that you are maximizing the potential of your referrals and enhancing your co-selling efforts.
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✓ Master Partner Center navigation strategies.
✓ Optimize solutions for co-sell readiness.
✓ Meet co-sell eligibility criteria effectively.
✓ Access resources to grow your partnership.
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